
1. 基本采购政策

The SEKISUI 化学 Group supports the foundations of LIFE and creates "peace of mind for the future" in line with its vision statement "创新 for the Earth", 目标是实现一个可持续发展的社会. In order to realize a sustainable society through innovation and creativity with a focus on ESG management, the SEKISUI 化学 Group will build its supply chain and conduct procurement activities based on the following purchasing policy.

开放 采购交易, we open our doors to a wide range of national and international companies in order to receive better proposals.
公平公正 在选择合作伙伴方面, we respect the rights of our business partners and treat them with common sense and integrity. We also require that our business partners work together with us to achieve a sustainable society, 十大赌博娱乐平台将以公平和公正的方式这样做, with sound business conditions and with consideration based on quality, 价格, 交货时间, 和服务.
遵守法律法规和社会规范 在进行采购交易时, the company complies with national and international laws and regulations. 十大赌博娱乐平台不仅平等地遵守法律法规, but also with social norms as a discipline that must be observed in social life.
相互信任 We recognize that all our business partners are partners in the conduct of our business, and we build relationships of trust by exchanging corporate and other necessary information in a fair, 及时的, 和适当的方式, 加深相互了解. We also aim to build genuine partnerships to achieve a sustainable society.
为全球环境保护做出贡献 在进行采购交易时, the company contributes to the prevention of global warming, 保护生物多样性, 以及建立循环经济, and the company requires that our business partners also contribute to global environmental conservation.
防止贪污 在进行采购交易时, the company works across the supply chain to ensure that all forms of corruption, 包括贿赂, 涉嫌受贿, 还有洗钱, 不发生.
尊重人权的责任 在进行采购交易时, the company works with our business partners to ensure that we do not infringe on human rights, 包括童工, 强迫劳动, 和歧视, 如果发生任何对人权的负面影响, we will take the appropriate measures to correct the situation and fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights.

2. 向商业伙伴提出可持续采购的要求

In order to promote more socially and environmentally friendly procurement activities, the SEKISUI 化学 Group has formulated the "可持续采购指引 (Supplier Code of Conduct)" for the Company and all business partners involved in the production of our products, which sets out standards to be observed based on its basic procurement policy. We ask our business partners to cooperate with us in aiming to understand and comply with the aims and content of this Code of Conduct, so that together we can work towards the realization of a sustainable society. The Code of Conduct applies to the entire SEKISUI 化学 Group.

3. 关于可持续木材采购

十大赌博娱乐平台的经营活动中, the company procures wood itself or wood-based raw materials and recognizes that this may have negative impacts with regard to human rights and the environment.
除了, 在2021年11月的COP26上, 来自100多个国家的领导人, 包括日本, signed a document committing to end deforestation by 2030.
作为对此的回应, we have set a new target of "2030: Zero Deforestation" and revised our "木材采购政策" to achieve this goal. And in order to realise procurement in line with this policy, we have established new "Sustainable Timber Procurement 的指导方针", and are working to further reduce the negative impact of deforestation on the human rights and environment of indigenous peoples, performing legal timber procurement to date as a matter of course.



  • Promote the procurement of timber from forests that are properly managed for sustainable use.
  • Promote the procurement of timber that does not lead to natural forests being converted to other uses.
  • Procure timber from forests other than those with high conservation value, 例如生物多样性保护.
  • 采购非受威胁树种的木材.
  • Procure wood materials that contribute to resource circulation, 比如回收材料和未使用的薄木材.
  • Proactively employ suppliers that are implementing activities that lead to an increase in forests.


  • Promote procurement in a manner that does not have a negative impact on local communities and respects local cultures, 传统, 以及销售渠道的经济性, 包括伐木和木材产品的加工.
  • Promote procurement that respects the rights of indigenous peoples.
  • Promote procurement that respects the rights of all workers.


  • Comply with all laws and regulations relating to forest procurement.
  • 确保木材和木材产品的可追溯性, and promote clear place of origin and problem-free procurement of timber and timber products.

4. 负责任的矿产采购

At SEKISUI 化学 Group we strive to avoid human rights violations, 利用冲突矿产为武装组织提供资金, 以及其他与矿物和采矿有关的风险. We comply with regulations such as the Dodd-Frank Act (USA) and EU Conflict Minerals Regulation, and take pains to eliminate any minerals connected to OECD Annex II risks in Conflict Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRAs), including the Democratic Republic of the Congo and surrounding countries.
In order to promote sustainable and responsible mineral procurement, if any minerals are discovered that are determined to be applicable to the above items, 十大赌博娱乐平台将与供应商合作,采取适当的措施.


SEKISUI 化学 Group welcomes proposals for new technologies and materials.
也, 提交提案时, please confirm that it complies with the requirements of SEKISUI 化学 Group "Basic Procurement Policy" (Section 1. 上图).

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